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Martin Schatz majored in who-cares-what and owns a business in an industry completely unrelated to that which was studied.  He has competed in amateur boxing, winning some and losing some, and can often be found in a mountain range near you.  He spends as much time as possible in exotic locales and at lactate threshold.

Eric Barnes is a man that has led a life that literally nobody would believe. In fact, he hardly believes it himself.  He is a former US Marine, Professional Kick-boxer, holder of a Masters degree in contemporary literature and a man registered ("I didn't  start it") with Interpol.  His life is genuinely and without exception a heavily mixed bag. His areas of interest and expertise are morality, combat, the military, Beer (and often wine) and U.S. foreign policy.  He resides in Tokyo Japan where he frequently writes about Earthquakes and whatever else happens to come up on his blog Gaijinass.


Andrew Hagen is a beer snob who lives in San Francisco while rooting for the Dodgers. He brings a financial and business background to Arguere, may be the last honest man, and takes kickball more seriously than you. 
Bryan Schatz is a traveler, a writer, a former-teacher, an amateur MMA competitor, and a maker of fine corn-cob pipes.  He has a tendency to "go a bit native" in his travels, as his profile picture might suggest. 

Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind.