Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Decepticons

Governments lie to the people. Some lie more than others but they all lie. Politicians and the institutions they infest are, regardless of what they might have once thought to become, career liars. If one is willing to divorce ones self from the pervasive propaganda, aggressive manipulation of reality and the almost child like pumping of slogans (Freedom Fries-sigh) and slinging of mutually humiliating insults, then it's nothing more than a trip to the local library (yes, they do still exist) or a twenty minute search on Google to unearth all the evidence needed to establish a very damning timeline in regards to America's track record in the practice of spinning fabulous untruths and force feeding them to the unaware and overly patriotic public.

The Decepticons
Anyone that has ever read comics, seen the cartoon, or suffered through the (horrible) movies is all set: The analogy is too obvious to miss.

The Autobots were this totally peace loving, beer drinking group of hip car and truck enthusiasts that really just wanted to coalesce with all the other life formers on planet earth. The leader of the group was a truck driver and little else says salt of the earth like big rigs and moving freight cross country. Sure, there were some showoffs but who doesn't have a friend that is more into Lamborghinis than your fixer-upper you have on blocks in the front yard? It was still all good and the point was good times and keeping things sustainable.

There's trouble in paradise though, even in a universe where sentient robots from a place called Cybertron exist. Decepticons. This is a group comprised of duplicitous, two faced, warmongering imperialists bent on one thing: World domination and the enslavement/eradication of humanity. They are known for there ability to "transform" into military vehicles and weapons and also possess massive air-power.

This sounds oddly familiar.

The politicians on Capitol hill, although not sentient robots from another planet (that we know of),share a lot in common with their red eyed antagonistic brothers the Decepticons. Lying and the pervasive abuse of truth is one such shared characteristic.

Now, a note on lying. If someone is a bit overweight and I stroll up and ask them "Hey, what did you eat for lunch?" and they say "A salad." when in reality they had a pizza, some chili fries, an XXL milkshake and a small stray dog they found sleeping under their car- I can understand that. It's a lie but it's a lie that hurts nobody but themselves (and a homeless animal). This is slightly different than say that one time when...

-In August 1941 when President Franklin Roosevelt lied to the American people about the German attack on the USS Greer to get the United States into WW2. Or that other time....

-In 1964 when President Lydon Johnson told everyone that 1. There was "complete and incontrovertible evidence" that the North Vietnamese had attacked the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin. The fantasy war making didn't end there however as Johnsons administration claimned that the Maddox was on a "routine patrol" (read:spying) in the Gulf and that the alleged attack was "delibrate and unprovoked." Johnson then according to reports cackled wildly and rubbed his hands together realizing he had duped the US people into another war in a country far away that nobody wanted. Oh but then there was that other time when....

-Secretary of Defense Rumsfield said on September 27th, 2002 that he had "bulletproof" evidence that Saddam Hussein was closely allied with Osama bin Laden.

By 2004 the Decepticons had achieved everything they wanted and Rumsfeld no longer even felt compelled to lie, he didn't feel that he even needed the protection of a lie, that is how complete their victory was. He then told the Council on Foreign Relations that "To my knowledge, I have not seen any strong, hard evidence that links the two (Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein)." It wasn't only Rumsfeld that lied with impunity but also the "well-respected" Colin Powell who had claimed up and down that before the war Bin Laden was "in partnership" with Iraq and that there was a "sinister nexus between Iraq and Al-Qaeda" but then, he too after the evil Decepticons had achieved their goals of stripping normal Americans of a variety of civil rights, invading a sovereign nation based on smoke and mirrors and then irreparably damaging America's credibility abroad he then said that "I have not seen a smoking-gun, concrete evidence about the connection..." These examples above are but a very small amount of the concrete evidence damning our leaders, agencies and military of various crimes against humanity.

Still to this day none of these "prestigious leaders" have ever paid in any way for some of the most heinous lies you can tell your own people. Lying about economic realities is loathsome and hurtful to the average citizen, but lying your way into a war of aggression in which many of the middle and lower classes will surely die is absolutely disgusting, and is a crime.

The most satisfying thing about the Tranformers was that the peace loving Autobots always came back from the edge of defeat and kicked some Decepticon ass. How long will it take for average suffering Americans to realize that the system is broken. The people in power are the principle enemy and voting for the lesser of two evils will not save you. Drastic change requires drastic action.

Autobots- Transform.

Or else...

Read more from Eric on his blog GAIJINASS

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